The American College of Real Estate Lawyers
Authoritative. Collaborative. Trusted.


2025 Dates - Coming soon!

ACREL was thrilled to present the 2024 Advanced Commercial Leasing Institute.

A complete brochure can be viewed here.


Are you interested in participating in the 2025 ACLI?

If you are an alum of a past ACLI program and are interested in attending the 2024 ACLI, please complete this form for the most up-to-date information.

If you have not previously attended an ACLI program, but you are interested in attending the 2024 ACLI and being added to the distribution list, please complete this form.

Note: The ACLI is an invitation only program. Completing this form does not guarantee an invitation to participate.


2024 ACLI Co-Chairs


Abraham Costin

Andrea Geraghty

Larry Shulman


2024 ACLI Advisory Board

Peter Anderson

Marc Bergoffen

A.L. Braun

Michael Broich

Steven D. Cohen

Desmond Connall

Richard Eckhard

Matt Hektoen

Richard Heller 

Jeffrey Hess        


Jennifer Kypreos

Marlene Laveman

Todd Lehder

Marta Lewycky

David London

Stacey Manley

Jeffrey Moerdler

Karen O'Malley

Martin Orlick


Hope Plasha


Julia Robbins

Mark Senn

Bruce Smiley

GinaMarie Spencer


John Visconsi

Natalie Vukovich


ACREL Board Liaison


Raymond G. Truitt