The American College of Real Estate Lawyers
Authoritative. Collaborative. Trusted.

Become a Member

ACREL has a rigorous admission process where candidates must be nominated by an ACREL Fellow and seconded by two other ACREL Fellows. To view the ACREL Directory of Fellows, please click here.


Who is eligible for admission to the College?

  • Must be a distinguished real property law practitioner, well known as a specialist in real estate law or a subspecialty of real estate practice;
  • Must have had substantial experience in real estate law or a real estate subspecialty for at least 10 years;
  • Must have devoted substantial time and effort to contribute to a more informed bar or public with respect to matters of real estate law (other than as the nominee’s primary profession), in satisfaction of the College’s “giveback” requirement; and
  • Must enjoy an outstanding reputation for excellence and integrity.


Who may propose a candidate for admission?

  • Any Regular Fellow, including an Academic Fellow or a Nonprofit/Government Fellow, may nominate up to two candidates for election to the College. 
  • Any Fellow, including Regular Fellows and Senior Fellows, may second any number of nominations. 
  • Members of the Board of Governors and members of the Member Selection Committee may not propose or second any nomination.
  • You may not propose or second a candidate from your firm, business entity, faculty or other organization, or a candidate to whom you are related by birth or marriage. 


If interested in nominating a candidate, or becoming an ACREL Fellow yourself, please read the Guidelines for Member Selection and the Commentary on the Guidelines.


For more information on becoming a member of ACREL, please contact the ACREL Office.