The American College of Real Estate Lawyers
Authoritative. Collaborative. Trusted.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

As the preeminent association of real estate lawyers in the United States, ACREL is fully committed to its efforts to increase diversity, equity, and inclusion within ACREL.  ACREL understands that true collaboration within a diverse community of attorneys improves both the professional environment in which we practice and the quality of our work on real estate projects.  We believe that promoting diversity, equity and inclusion within ACREL is critical to fostering the rigorous analysis, creativity and problem-solving skills that are required of outstanding real estate lawyers.  To that end, ACREL aspires to create a collegial, welcoming and inclusive environment that provides all ACREL Fellows with meaningful opportunities for both professional development and advancement in ACREL leadership.


For more information, please contact Caitlin Ruhe or Julie Burgess.