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ACREL & ALI Present: Intercreditor Agreements- Successfully Navigating Multi-Creditor Rights, Obligations, and Liabilities

2/27/2024 - 2/27/2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Why You Should Attend

Commercial real estate markets are in flux. Although deal activity is forecasted to improve, some markets remain troubled. And in those markets, workouts and bankruptcies will prevail. Now is the time to get up to speed on the rights, liabilities, and obligations of multiple creditors with respect to each other, the borrower, and the property before you negotiate and draft your next intercreditor agreement! Listen to a panel of experienced practitioners and a finance specialist as they outline important deal options and the critical issues facing the parties.



With a focus on mezzanine loans, this panel will discuss some basic practice pointers - outlining finance arrangements, key contracts terms, etc. before digging deeper into workouts and bankruptcy implications, the concerns of the borrower, and lender enforcement strategies, and more!



Dominic J. De Simone, Ballard Spahr LLP, Philadelphia, PA
Manuel A. Fernandez, McCarter & English LLP, Miami, FL
Daniel B. Rubock, Senior Vice President, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., New York, NY


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